Read this to find the best place to start decluttering and move on with confidence

Choosing the best place to declutter can be really daunting. Especially if you have no experience, or like me, you look around and ALL of it needs to go!! Today I not only want to help you choose the best place to declutter but also, the best technique. They really go hand in hand.

I have a couple questions you can ask to help decide the best place to start. Once you’ve chosen that place, the technique should be more clear. My experience has shown that choosing the best place depends on your decluttering experience and how much you have to get rid of.

Only YOU can decide the best place for you. Here is some help to do just that.

Let’s talk about technique first. Here are a couple.

The “Start Small” process is the best for anyone just starting out. There are a couple ways to tackle this one. This is a simple way to begin and bonus, it helps build confidence to keep up momentum.

One of my favorite decluttering blogs is “A Slob comes Clean”. In her blog, Nonie says to start with the easy stuff first. I love that. Typically, the easy stuff is trash or “Low hanging fruit”. You know, the Tupperware on the counter we need to return to a friend. The sock that has been on the dryer waiting three months for it’s mate. Typically, it’s what doesn’t require any brain power.

Nonie says, once you get rid of the trash and then the low hanging fruit, you’ve made a large dent in the clutter and can breath. This is a really great process when you need to declutter your entire house.

Another way to start small is to get rid of a specific number of items. Set a goal. I began by getting rid of 2018 things in 2018. I had an entire year to meet my goal.

Flylady” (another awesome system to follow–you need to check her out) suggests a “27 Fling Boogie”. It’s a similar idea to Nonie but done once a month. Grab a trashbag, run around the house and find 27 things to throw away. Then find 27 things to give away. After even one session, you will notice a big difference.

I love these ideas because decluttering becomes a game. And who doesn’t like a good competition (give those kids a trash bag!!) This is also great for a whole house declutter.

Another great technique is to start in the room that causes the most grief. I love this for someone who has already started decluttering, gotten sidetracked, and is looking to dive a little deeper in specific areas. Of course it will definitely work for someone just starting out as well.

Think about what is really causing you stress.

Is it not being able to cook in your kitchen because your counters are full and you always have dishes in the sink? Is it the fact your family never has anything to wear because the clothes are all on your laundry room floor and you can’t even find your washer? Or do you have to clear off your bed in order to crawl in it at the end of a long day?

Whatever bugs you most, start in that room!! (Promise I’ll show you HOW to declutter in the next post).

These techniques are great because they give you traction, build confidence and make an overall difference.

But how do you decide WHERE to start and what technique to use?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you hone in on where to start if you’re having trouble:

1. If _________________ were decluttered, ___________________ would be so much easier/more fun!

2. What keeps me from relaxing in my home?

3. What is my vision for my home? What 3 words describe how I would like to feel when I walk in the door? What is keeping my home from feeling that way?

The answer to these questions should help you pinpoint where to start. For example…if the answer to number #3 is Peaceful, relaxed, safe. Then look around and make a list of what keeps your home from meeting that goal? Are there an overwhelming amount of “Indecision piles” everywhere? Then start with those. This is when you might do a 27 fling boogie or get rid of 2020 things this year. Those help alot with the overall feel of your home.

Do you lack systems to keep your home in order? If the answer to #2 is laundry b/c you have to step over the laundry pile, you need to start with the laundry room and your closets.

If #1 was answered with Kitchen and cooking, than you know what room to start in.

It’s really that simple.

And the reason we start with this stressful area is our minds are geared toward reward. The reward is a beautiful, simplified space that improves the quality of your life, helps you see the value in the work you’re doing and makes you want to keep going!!

Just keep your goal in mind. You will get sidetracked. As Nonie, from “A Slob Comes Clean” says, you will take something to it’s home in a drawer and want to start cleaning out that drawer but JUST SAY NO!! Keep working at the task as hand. You can promise yourself you will move to that spot when you are done. But for now, our goal is to finish this most important space!

Good luck and Happy Decluttering!

Have you already started your journey to declutter? I’d love to know where you began?

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