I Guess this is my Manifesto
I hope we all have a dark little secret, that I’m not the only one. And while mine may not be terribly juicy, it is embarrassing and it’s scary to put it out here on the Inter webs because I feel that inevitably some of my friends might read it. Then I think, what if they do? What if they do and already know and that’s the real secret? What if everyone really knew the truth, but no one spoke it?
Finally I realized the promise of a new life and a fresh start trumps keeping this secret any time. And the promise of fulfilling my dreams is so much more incredible than living in a place where I worry and stess about what my so-called friends think. And I don’t call them “so-called” because I think they aren’t, but because if they are, they will like me anyway. So the stress will be in vain.
Are you curious about the secret? I think I’m a mini hoarder. Ok, yes, you can walk through my house (well, maybe not my garage-ha). But I live in a constant state of cleaning, moving, organizing and stressing about cleaning, and moving and organizing. And it’s not just my stuff that I hoard. I hoard projects. My schedule is full to the top. I wonder if I secretly like it that way, it keeps me busy. I’m super type A. I’m also a perfectionist. But that doesn’t mean anything is perfect. It just means that when I start something, I become paralyzed because I can’t make it perfect. Bet you can’t guess what happens then? Yep, I have a lot of unfinished projects (in that garage I mentioned). Guess what, I don’t really think perfection exists.
All this brings me to my Manifesto. I truly believe if I could simplify my home, schedule and mind, I could live the life of my dreams! I think I have built this wall around myself that keeps me from living God’s full potential. My goal with this blog is to grow into who I was meant to be. I hope you will be my new accountability friends. I started this project, this clearing out, about two years ago. I’m ready to really get this party started! I have researched and have learned ALOT. Ya’ll there are some crazy talented Bloggers, You-tubers and Authors out there. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned. I’d love to introduce you to my mentors. Well, they don’t know they are my mentors but they’ve all helped me so much! We’ll be talking about what I’ve learned. I hope it will help you too. We’ll also talk about the Psychology of why we hang onto things, why we over schedule and why we can be so stressed.
I do have some things I’m really good at. I know a lot about setting goals, I used to work for a Management Consultant. That was one of my favorite jobs and I learned so much. I’m really good at building good habits (when I put my mind to it!). I love gleaning knowledge off other people. I love nothing more than a really great self help book. I love striving and growing and changing. I love my family and taking care of myself through eating healthy and exercising. But there is always room for growth. Always.
This blog will be my account of this journey. I would love to hear your stories, so I know I’m not alone. I would love for us to grow this thing into a space where we can share, and grow and learn from each other. A place where we will learn to edit out the negative, the stress, the overage, of our lives and make room for His perfect will. For the life God designed for us. For our dreams to grow.
I hope you will join me.
I love your manifesto! I too am an overachiever. Type AAAA. I am usually juggling 10 balls (projects, bible studies, etc.) at any given time and it is never-ending because I don’t know what to do or how to act when I’m not busy… Perfectionism is overrated. I learned this after 50 years of trying to achieve it but then the light bulb went off and I realized it’s not going to happen and I don’t really care as much as I thought I did and neither does anyone else. While I don’t have a garage full of unfinished projects, I do have a bedroom closet and bookshelves full of stuff for the 10 balls I juggle all the time. I look forward to your journey and watching it play out.
Thank you so much Kimberly! I love AAAA, might be me too; ) Glad I’m not the only one. I’m so happy to have you along for my journey!! I can’t wait to share what I’m learning along the way.