Welcome! I’m Tracy.

and It’s my honor to help you uncover your new purpose, now that your kids are off finding theirS!

I wake up every morning so grateful for this life. I am thankful my kids are growing strong and confident and independent and ready to take off on their own. I am amazed every day to be on a journey to live my next passionate purpose now that my kids are about to discover theirs. I’m excited about my future!

But I wasn’t always like this! Let me explain how I got here.   

While I’ve enjoyed my career, nothing has been as rewarding as being a wife and mom to my two kids. I knew my REAL purpose was always my family and raising those kids.

When my oldest started high school, I started thinking about my future and I started to panic. What does a mom do when her kids leave? I love my job, but could I say I was PASSIONATE about it? As passionate as raising a family? Who would I be without my kids to boss around? Why hadn’t I thought of any of this before? The truth is, I honestly hadn’t thought this out AT ALL and that clock seemed to be speeding up with each year that passed

So there I was. A few short years from an empty nest and literally NO PLAN. I asked myself, “If I wasn’t raising my kids, what on earth would I be doing?” What would make me feel as fulfilled as I did raising two humans? What would bring enough income that I could withstand working a little longer than my dreams depicted and give me the same kind of feeling of purpose I got from being a mom?

Then and there, I started my journey. A journey to live my new purpose. And I’ll tell you a secret. At the time, I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THAT EVEN LOOKED LIKE! After 17 years of cleaning, cooking, chauffeuring and being CEO of my home, I had a lot of “ME” to catch up on.

I allowed myself to dream up this Act 2. I did a TON of research. I took classes. I interviewed friends. I read books. I watched Youtube. I pretty much made it my third job. So you don’t have to.

I am learning we can literally HAVE IT ALL!. That, my kids leaving is not the end of the story but the opening of the second act. And that, if I do this right, I will not only finish this next half completing my mission but will be a shining example to my kids and hopefully one day, grandkids.

And that’s exactly what “Uncovering your next purpose” is all about.

And I would love to teach you what I’ve learned in the hope that you will be able to create your own incredible journey of finding that thing that lights your fire, after those sweet kiddos go off and become everything you raised them to be.

Now let’s be fair–you may be thrilled that you get to slow down when your kids leave the nest. You may be exhausted and think you want to sleep in and watch TV and eat cereal for dinner. And I don’t blame you. This journey may not be for you. I slow clap you because you got those babies raised and are taking a much deserved break. I hope it is EVERYTHING YOU DREAMED OF.

I am speaking to those women who have that still small voice that says-
“Great job with the kids, but you aren’t done yet. I have more for you. Just Wait!”

I would be thrilled to help you!!! To start, you don’t need to know the how or the why of that purpose. You don’t even have to know what it is. all you have to do is answer “YES!” to that voice. “YES!” to are you ready for more? Do you want to live your passionate purpose? Are you ready?

I think I just heard “YES!” Click here and let me show you the way!

Hi, I’m Tracy, and I want to help you Create Joy in your Empty Nest.

A year ago I woke up and realized my kids would soon graduate. I panicked. Who am I if I’m not a full-time mom? I set out on journey to find the answer, and what I learned has changed my life.

Want to learn more about me?

Click Here