What should I Declutter First?
Don’t BEGIN your journey with decluttering your garage–unless its your easy spot. I know I announced I am starting with my garage. I want to clarify.
In a perfect world, most advice states, it’s a good idea to begin decluttering in a spot that causes you the most grief. When you look around and you are frustrated with your entire house, it is hard to find a place to start. It feels like nothing will make a difference because “EVERYTHING NEEDS TO GO!” I might have been a bit dramatic when I announced that to myself two years ago.
Coming from a place of overwhelm, stress and frustration at the time, I believed it. But I know myself and I become paralyzed when I actually have to make decisions about discarding hard stuff. And honestly, to me, most of it is hard.
So, you might not like what I’m about to say–it might sound like you won’t make much progress. But I think we have to deal with our mindset and habits first. Because let’s face it, they are what got us here to begin with. So it’s better to start small.
My mind makes me think I have 52 hours in day and can do all the things. Then, when 24 hours go by, and my day is over and I didn’t get it all done (because it is impossible!) I get mad at myself. Which brings me back to where I really began. I began Jan 1, 2018 with a challenge to myself (I love games, I’m super competitive). I challenged myself to get rid of 2018 things that year. I made my own rules. In my junk drawer I had about 209 pens, so those counted! Seven hole-y dish towels–throw them on the pile. One old shoe, ok. You get the idea. I met my goal and it was because I allowed myself the small wins. That gave me confidence. Confidence in my decision making skills. Also practice in my decision making skills. And it lit a fire. I had a goal. I wanted to achieve the goal and it felt good. That helped keep up my momentum.
So, of course, in 2019 I got rid of more. In 2019 I got rid of 2768 things. You bet I counted them all. Wow–I’m good (I thought) pat pat pat on the back. This built up my decluttering skills, mindset and habits AND it also cleared the way to allow me to feel some relief in the state of my home. It helped me feel like I had more time to do this, and EVERYTHING didn’t need to go, at least not right then.
So, now, I feel like I am ready to start in my garage. It’s a big goal. But I’m ready because all things, in my home, lead to the garage. And what I mean by this is, in almost everything I do, I think, Hmmm “If this were easier to put away IN THE GARAGE, it wouldn’t be sitting out.” And also, “if I had a place to keep this IN THE GARAGE, while I decided if I were going to purge it, that would help”. A kind of Quarantine. That is a great tool I use to trick myself. I’ve realized over the last two years, if I take out a few things here and there, and live with a little less (with the knowledge that “It’s just in the garage, if I need it”) I find I’m happier with less. And then eventually I can move it on out, with no discouragement.
Maybe the garage is purgatory. Yesterday, I pulled all the decor pillows out of our little sitting room. Put them in the garage. And you know what? I LOVE the room now. I really thought those pillows made it cozier…but when they are always the floor, they just make it seem cluttered. And they are ALWAYS on the floor. Right? There is my fantasy home, and then there is life with a husband (sorry, honey) two kids, a dog and a cat. And that is the reality I live right now. So while I love my pillows, I think I might be ready to break up with them. At least for now.
My advice, start with what bugs you most, but start small. Find something that is driving you CRAZY, that can be handled in 15 minutes (Dining room table?). And then tomorrow, find another (Shoe pile in front of the door?). Grab a trash bag and run around your house and fill it with just the easy stuff–trash (THANK YOU Noni from A Slob Comes Clean!!-we’ll talk more about her later) Or, try to purge 2020 things this year.
Have you ever heard of that decluttering challenge? Get rid of (Get rid of 2018 things in 2018, etc) Have you tried it? Would you dare start the process in your garage? I Would love to hear your thoughts on where to begin.