Create your NEW purpose, now that your kids have flown the nest!

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Your kids will graduate soon. Your life has been consumed with being a chauffeur, a chef and the CEO of your home.

What on earth comes next?

let me show you!


Join our 6 week course to Identify and start living your NEW purpose!


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Hi, I’m Tracy and I want to help you start living your best Second Act.

I woke up a couple years ago and realized my kids would soon graduate. WHAT? How did this happen? WHEN did it happen? I panicked! What on earth comes next? Is this all there is? Who am I if I’m not a full time mom? I honestly had no idea.

For the last 16 years, I had consumed myself with laundry, bills and meal plans. I was the keeper of the schedule, the party and vacation planner, and the overseer of assignments and grades. I bandaged wounds, gave out advice and spent evenings chauffeuring to football practice, sleepovers and movies.

Now that all these duties were about to come to an abrupt end, I had no idea what Act 2 would be. But I knew it had to be good. I felt I was made for more.

Being a mom is a tough act to follow. There is so much hard work but also great reward.

I needed something MAJOR. Something that sparked joy. Something that left me as fulfilled as raising my kids. But I had no idea what that would be.

So over the last few years, I’ve been on a journey to find my next passionate purpose. It’s taken a LOT of prayer, tons of research and (more than a little) trial and error, but I’m thrilled to say, I am living that purpose! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you.

I promise, it’s not as difficult as you might think.

Join me!